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The future of Microservices

The world of software architecture is in a continuously evolving phase. No sooner does the programming community tries to get a grip on any prevailing architectural concept and there emerges a new concept. Unfortunately this fast-paced disruptive technological innovation phenomenon cannot be stopped as the technology geeks keep racking their brains to come up with optimised architectures. The good thing about this is that programmers now have multiple choices on how to implement a particular project or product.

So in this evolutionary phase, the current age is of Microservices based architecture. So what is a Microservice architecture? To define it in a nutshell, its a way of designing software applications wherein you create or use independently deployable services. Similar to the concept of plug and play which exists in the physical world, the desire to create applications by plugging together independent components has been rampant over the last decade.

Microservices takes a Decentralized approach wherein it uses different Services by way of RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) for different functionalities. Unlike the SOA method wherein a single technology must be used for all the requirements, Microservices enables you to use Services built in different technologies. You can use a JS based Service alongwith a Python Service within the same application for different needs. The concept of DevOps has been instrumental in taking this concept to a new level. But then the trade-off has to be calculated whether a RPC is worthwhile or whether to use a SOA styled in-memory libraries, based on the overheads.

In addition to progressive evolution of software architectures, there has been an evolution in the technology Infrastructure as well. The emergence of Cloud and the likes AWS has greatly reduced the complexity of building, testing and deploying microservice based solutions.

So what’s the future? Well, to be honest, it is very difficult to determine what concept or technology is going to stay, given the rapid rate at which the technology industry is changing. But it would be safe to assume that the Microservices methodology will not fade away quickly as given its optimised way of implementation, it makes sense for software architects to use this seamless architecture and deliver robust solutions.

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